
  • Ainsley (Kelsey Gunn) is a misanthrope who hates people but when she suddenly finds herself in isolation w…
  • 故事背景设在明治64年,并由德川庆喜掌握权力的另一个日本。国家靠能量源「龙脉」,形成江户和科学混合的独特发展…
  • Just before Christmas, Lee Leander is caught shoplifting. It is her third offense. She is prosecuted by Jo…
  • 来自青岛的女歌手May(童瑶 饰)因不幸掉声忽然从唱片公司和媒体视野中磨灭,出走的May在目生的菁桐小镇碰见了驱…
  • Follows hacker Connor, his best friend Avi and a cunning librarian who find themselves over their heads wh…
  • Cary Scott(简·怀曼 Jane Wyman 饰)虽然是一个有着两个孩子的中年寡妇,身边却依然不缺追求者。一天她在自己的…
  • 民国时期,中华大地,内忧外患,满目疮痍。列强在中国洗劫文物,革命义士柳云飞集结民间有能之士保护财宝不被掠夺…
  • Nesting Dolls is a psychological thriller about the darker sides of us that can lie just beneath the surfa…