
  • 在他们的最初一个周末在一起,一群同伙住在一间隐居的山房里,他们的乐趣忽然被敲门声打中断
  • 山姆是玩世不恭的花花令郎,他的麻吉安德魯則是一位婦科醫生。某次派對後,山姆一覺醒來發現本人變成女人了,於是…
  • A man rises from personal tragedy to lead a group of children from a refugee camp to victory, transforming…
  • Since the 1940s, alien beings known as "GRAYS" have been sighted around the globe with the thoug…
  • In his latest documentary, Sean Menard gives viewers an unprecedented look at Vince Carter: the six-foot-s…
  • A teacher"s world is torn apart when his wife and children are brutally murdered at the hands of a ru…
  • 两个结婚的男人请他们的是单身花花公子朋友帮助他们想办法挽救他们的婚姻。可事情总是事与愿违,妻子们开始怀疑改…
  • 一个女孩被发现以一种非常奇怪的方式被谋杀和埋藏,这使一位专门算吉时和命数的年轻占卜师 Maha Krating开始警觉…