
  • 身无分文的酒店财主泰德(卡梅隆·达多 Cameron Daddo 饰)在一次赛车角逐傍边死于不测,负责查询拜访此事的捕快…
  • 一个男人走下幽暗的阶梯,找到了蜷缩在阴暗的角落的孩子,抓住他的手,撩起了男孩的袖子——那里有  一个纹身:…
  • [艺术家]导演米歇尔·阿扎纳维西于斯将执导丧尸题材惊悚喜剧新片[Z(像Z)](Z (Comme Z),暂译)。罗曼·杜里斯、让…
  • 典雅舒适的小剧院里,一出差强人意的舞台剧正在上演,突然有名观众挺身站起,打断了演出的进行。他自称名叫亚尼克…
  • A stop-motion animated skeleton takes drastic measures when he learns the film for which he was created is…
  • 'Solitary' is a contained sci-fi film about a man who wakes up inside a room to discover he's a prisoner s…
  • Follow a group of children who are evacuated to a Yorkshire village during the Second World War, where the…
  • 大牌影星朱·巴瑞摩尔曾在著名科幻巨片《E.T.外星人》中饰演一位惹人喜爱的小女孩歌蒂,而在《欲海潮》一片中,观…