
  • 千禧一代的企业家德鲁(Drew)和马克斯(Max)通过网络直播,直播那些实际上是精心编排的恶作剧。但他们得到了报应,…
  • 曾经的男孩组合明星与天赋异禀的年轻鼓手建立了友谊,意外获得了第二次成功的机会。
  • 爱丽丝(Adrienne King 饰)从为了给儿子复仇而大开杀戒的水晶湖营地厨师霍夫人手中死里逃生,但此后仍旧生活在惊…
  • 这个年轻的家庭搬到市郊的一个新公寓,为他们刚出生的女儿雇了一个保姆。在得到信任后,晚上的保姆吓坏了婴儿和长…
  • A woman must rescue her husband after he is abducted by two ex-soldiers during a vicious home invasion.
  • A group who break into and old mining cave system soon realise a nest of Crocodiles inhabit the caves.
  • A pilots pregnant wife is killed by a band of thugs who break into their home. The gang is caught and sent…