
  • yle=list-style-type: n>《桥下》改编自著名作家丽贝卡·戈弗雷1997年的小说,讲述了一个真实的故事,14岁的丽…
  • 根据传记《An Unquiet Life》改编,讲述了好莱坞著名影星Patricia Neal(帕德里夏·妮尔)和她的丈夫——英国作家…
  • A young woman tries to find her origins after having been abandoned as an infant at a cemetery wrapped in …
  • <p>A scanner discovers a plot by renegade elements in the city government to take power with the hel…
  • 律师贝克正在追查一桩凶杀案,当事人梅森中尉和他那自称被死者强暴的太太对真相有所隐瞒,死者邦尼和他们夫妻俩到…
  • 绰号“郁金喷鼻”的杀手吉米(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)得益于同伴牙科医生奥兹(马修·派瑞 Matth…
  • As she nears the end of her pregnancy, Itto and her in-laws find their lives turned upside down by a super…
  • Joba and Quincy are a wealthy Brooklyn couple who value charity above all. But when a friend returns from …