
  • 深受重创、心力憔悴、痛失亲人,这名私家侦探必须顶住压力,破解错综复杂的谎言,揭开一桩别墅谋杀案背后的真相。
  • Adam是一个单纯的渔民之子,有幸考入开罗享有盛誉的Al-Azhar大学,这里是也逊尼派伊斯兰教势力的中心。  开学第…
  • A squad of unsuspecting cops goes through a trapdoor to Hell when they stumble upon a Black Mass in an aba…
  • 说电影《丛林炼狱》
  • 四辆车的碰撞,四小我命运的碰撞。四小我,连同一场不测。来到他们生存的穿插点的交汇处。所谓“碰撞”,实际上并…
  • Ferit Aslan (Can Yaman) is a very successful businessman, and is extremely organized. He wants the same ma…
  • These four characters, together with an accident, came to the screen of the intersection of their lives Ka…
  • Ferit Aslan (Can Yaman) is a very successful businessman, and is extremely organized. He wants the same ma…