
  • A law student from a lower caste begins a friendship with his classmate, a girl who belongs to a higher ca…
  • The first musical stand-up comedian in Tamil, Alexander Babu, takes you on a journey through the Wonderlan…
  • 統治著上帝國度的政治教父去世了,許多小偷打扮成政治家想要接管一切。大家開始討論有關替換「上帝」的問題,只有…
  • A law student from a lower caste begins a friendship with his classmate, a girl who belongs to a higher ca…
  • 年轻的印度国安局特工阿金·库玛,被栽赃谋杀了他的上司,让他意识到,现在他的任务比预想的更黑暗。为了自…
  • 年轻的印度国安局特工阿金·库玛,被栽赃谋杀了他的上司,让他意识到,现在他的任务比预想的更黑暗。为了自…
  • 贾甘和糖糖坠入爱河,但被迫分手,因为糖糖的父亲不赞成他。有一天,贾甘涉入了印度两大家族之间的纷争,而女友糖…